The Divine Kiss
Inspired by Gustav Klimt. This is my " Heart Art" version representing the heart of the Divine Kissing and so giving birth to the male and female heart energy of humanity via the flower of life.
The Illuminated Crystal Lightning Hearts
Heart breaking open
You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens. (By Rumi 13th-century poet)
The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions (Leonardo da Vinci)
Bob Marley, One love, one heart
Bob Dylan, had a sense of what drives governments and mainstream media.
The Great Escape Heartist. Liberate ourselves from media perceptions and follow our innate common sense instincts and intuition.
Window of perception.
Put the mind in the heart.
Only one true heart.
Release the inner child.
Heart balls, no head just heart.
Valentines day. U R my missing piece.
Natures Heartbeat.
The Heart tree. Seeds of change.
The all coming from and returning back to the ONE.
120cm diameter illuminated wall mounted heart art
The missing piece. Collage of images that can encourage happiness, but without the heart there will always be the feeling of something missing.
Untethered hearts in perspex. We all have an inner child that wants to be set free from the so called normal ties which have a tendency to be unnatural.
Untethered hearts in perspex wall mounted.
Untethered hearts in glass.
512. The heart came into formation first, so when we put it first our hearts desires can gravitate towards us naturally.
Treasure chest. Release your presence now.
The chamber within the heart.
Lose your mind. Too come back to your senses.
Rule one - you are unconditional love. Rule two - express rule number one.
Extremely painful when something is torn away from the fabric of our reality and the grief can feel unbearable.
And so sometimes we understandably turn to some form of coping, represented here by the pins. The only problem is if anything arises around you that remotely reminds you of your loss the antennas pick it up which might cause you to move away or shut down, making life very difficult.
However if we do get to a stage were we can express a form of open hearted grief the memory and the pain will still be there but the suffering falls way
Dragon Heart. Single eyed coherent focus.
Heart Attacked. We sometimes attack our hearts with to much stress, sugar, salt, wrong type of fat, alcohol, drugs and lack of head - heart coherence.
Heavy Heart.
My Racing Heart. Inspired by Lamborghini.
Pour your heart out in a good way.
Spock Heart. Unconditional love can appear to look like straight line logic. Love without conditions could be said to be, "ITS LIFE JIM BUT NOT AS WE KNOW IT". Until we remember.
Allow it to break and the false aspect to fall away.
Ascending Heart.
Tuning fork. Get in tune with real life, Harmonic harmony.
The seed breaks open and the plant grows towards the light, it would be crazy to attempt pushing the stem back into the seed. When we can allow our true heart to emerge from the broken shell of the false phycological version of heart we flourish.
Comes a time when the seeker breaks and true knowing is experienced.
Heart chakra. The two circles collapse into one another resulting in love the essence of all life.
Draw back the curtains of conditioning false belief systems and mindsets.
All Hearts are in communication with each other.